We advise you to place a stock order when you have low-on-stock items.
Create order
You can create a new stock order by following the three-step wizard: 1. Select low on stock items, 2. Add other non-low-on-stock items, and 3. Confirm.
In the first step, MIXIT will automatically calculate the number of cans to order for each low-on-stock item so that you reach the maximum number of closed cans. Note: the number of maximum closed cans is configurable on the Stock Configuration page.
You can download an order in pdf or csv format to send to your distributor. If you are ordering directly from AkzoNobel, email the csv to Akzo e-commerce using your unique SAP ID number, and the order will appear in your list of fast deliveries. For more details contact your Technical Representative.
Receive delivery
We advise you to register the delivery note as soon as you receive a delivery. Select the orders connected to the delivery and then indicate the paint items you received. If you didn't receive all the items in the order, then the order will remain open.
You can always view past deliveries.