When adding a user to the body shop, it can occur that the user is already registered in MIXIT and belongs to a different MIXIT shop. In this situation, you try to transfer the user from the body shop to another one and the user needs to accept the transfer.
Here are the steps to transfer users and require action from Store Owners and users:
1. The Store Owner goes to the Store User > Settings and adds a new user.
2. The new user will receive an email and needs to accept the transfer.
Once the user accepts the transfer, he will get access to all the data (mix, measurement, own variants, favorite ratios, and so on) from the new account and lose access to all his old MIXIT shop data.
Situation: Richard, Owner of CarsRUs Body Shop, wants to add John as a painter. But John is already a user at the TestShop workshop.
Richard, the Shopkeeper, added John to CarsRUs.
John received a transfer (from TestShop to CarsRUs).
After John accepts the transfer, John was transferred to CarsRUs. He has access to CarsRUs store data and he no longer has access to TestShop store data. Mixes, measurements, and other store data it makes in TestShop are not transferred to CarsRUs because the shop data belongs to the shop and not to the user.
Richard, the ShopOwner, added John to CarsRUs:
John accepts the transfer (from TestShop to CarsRUs):