In the new version (xxxx) of Instrument Manager, we improved the Autodiscovery function. The Autodiscovery function now also works when one or more PMA Visions are connected to the PC via StarTech adapters.
One improvement in Autodiscovery is the assigned device ID. We now use the serial number of the device. The positive side is that when a scale's IP address changes, the default device configuration and the link of the scale to a Mix Room stay intact.
When your PMA Vision is still configured via a manual setup we advise you to delete them and use Autodiscovery instead. When deleting the manual configuration for the PMA Vision the default scale configuration and MIX Room connection are deleted and need to be re-configured.
Note write down the connection between Mix Room and PMA Vision.
By deleting the manual configuration you need to re-configure the connection between the Mix Room and Scale. It will be nice to capture this current configuration, this makes it easier to re-configure it.
In MIXIT go to the Settings --> Devices page. Here you see an overview of the Mix Rooms and connected scales.
Delete the manual configuration
Open Instrument Manager by double click on the green icon in the taskbar. Hoover over the PMA Vision you want to delete and right-click on it. It will open a dialog Edit and Remove, click on Remove.
The instrument Manager will start loading the instruments and worklists, when done Autodiscovery will list the PMA Vision. On the Settings --> Devices page, you see that the Mix Room is not liked to the scale anymore. This needs to be corrected.
Reconfigure the Mix Room to a scale
On the Devices page, under Settings, click the 3 dots of the scale you want to configure and select Modify device
Select the required Mix Room, and save it.
Re-configure the default scale.
By removing the manual configuration of the PMA Vision the default device configuration is deleted as well. So it needs to be re-configured, this is a personal action, meaning that the below steps need to be performed for every user in the shop.
In MIXIT, go to My Account --> Account info, scroll down to the field Default mixing device, when you click on it a drop-down list will show you all available mixing devices. Select the device you need and click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
You are now all set. If you have more than one PMA Vision scale connected to your PC you need to repeat these steps for each scale.