Pouring paint in the can while preparing a color formula is not always accurate. MIXIT allows 5% tolerance for color toners. If the amount poured for a toner is out of the tolerance (-5% or +5%), it can result in a bad color performance of the color mixture.
With Color Performance Report, the Bodyshop owner can understand how accurately color mixes are done in your shop. Access the report via Reports ==> Color Performance.
You can filter the report data, via
- Painter - Select the painters whose Color Mixes will be available in the report
- Date range - Select the from and to date using the calendar date picker. Alternately, use the slider to adjust the dates.
- Preset Range - Select Month to date, Year to date, or Past 12 months to run the report within a preset range.
Color Score
The performance of color mixes can be assessed using the Color Score in the report. Color Score represents the number of mixes that have all the toners mixed within the 5% tolerance limit. If a color mix contains an overpour (exceeding 5% of the recommended amount) or an underpour (less than 5% of the recommended amount), the mix will not be counted towards the Color Score. If all the mixes are without any overpours and underpours, the Color Score would be 100%.
In the report, Color Score can be seen across time. Right Click on the chart and click Drill down or Drill up to change the timer. Drill down from month would show the day view. Drill up from month would show the Yearly view.
Color Score Per Painter
Color Score is displayed for all the painters selected in the Painter filter. Clicking on any Painter's score would filter the report and highlight the data related to this Painter.
On the top right, few key highlights are displayed. These are -
- Number of color mixes - This shows how many color mixes are present in the report.
- Out of tolerance pours - This is the total Overpours and Underpours done across all the mixes.
- Color Score - Overall color score for the mixes available in the report.
Color Mix Details
The color mix details part of the report shows details of each individual color mixes. The level of details can be expanded or collapsed using the small boxes or pluses on the left.
Following details are present in this overview -
- # Symbol - This is the information about the mix - It can be the mix number, the layer number or the product name depending on the level of expansion.
! Symbol – This tells you how many improper-pours (overpour, underpour, or skip) have happened within a mix. If this is blank, the mix is good.
⚖ Symbol – This gives you the weight/volume of the mix
🔺Symbol – This shows the delta/deviation from the desired amount.
% - This is the percentage deviation.
There is a legend explaining the symbols for your quick reference.
When looking at each toner/product in the mix,
- ✅ shows that the toner is within tolerance.
- ⬇ (red downward arrow) - shows an underpour
- ⬆ (red upward arrow) - shows an overpour.
Report FAQ
How fresh is the data in the Color Performance report?
It is not expected that the users will need very recent data while evaluating the report. Keeping this in mind, the data is refreshed every day. Any color mix done today will take a day to reflect in the report.
Can I print the report?
This report is an interactive dashboard, all the data in the report changes based on your interactions. It is not possible to print the report.
I find a chart interesting, what options do I have to work with it?
Click on the chart and you will see more options on the top of the chart. A chart is any one visual within the report.
Below is an explanation of the symbols.
Upward arrow (⬆) - This can be used to drill up the data. Similarly, the downward arrow can be used to drill down the data.
Use the Focus Mode to look at the report in more detail.
Export data options let you export the data in the given chart. Select the right format for export, either excel (.xlsx) or comma-separated values (.csv) format.