As soon as you completed a mix, you can see the total price of the mix in Mix Details information.
Mix information provides below detailed information:
When you select a specific layer, you will see the mix price of the layer.
Prerequisites for seeing the price of a formula or mix:
- the Shop has a Low, Medium, or High license
- the Shop Owner enabled the pricing module
- each stock item has a Selling price
Please note: the mix cannot be started when one of the components is not enabled on the Inventory page. Below message pops up to enable the disabled components in the inventory. Disabled component/toner is highlighted with red color in the formula. Price also can not be calculated if any of the components/toners is missing price information.
Solution: as Shop Owner, go to Settings >> Inventory and enable the missing formula component or add the missing price. In case you do not see the formula component on the Settings >> Inventory page, then please contact your Technical Representative.