Bodyshops, especially those in North America, are obliged to report on VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) emissions for the paints used.
MIXIT VOC Report provides users with detailed report about all the mixes in a given period.
To run the report, navigate to Reports --> VOC Report.
Select the from and to dates and click on View report
Below are the key points to note -
- The report contains all Mixes that are done within the selected period
- Each mix is identified by the Mix Number, Mix date and the workorder(s) associated with it.
- MIXIT supports multi-layer mixes and you can see the layers in a mix.
- For each component in a mix layer, VOC Regulatory and VOC Actual are displayed.
- For each layer, VOC Regulatory and VOC Actual As Applied are calculated proportionally
- Emissions is calculated using the Sprayed amount (displayed in percentage). Please note that the Sprayed amount is 100% for all RTS (Ready to Spray) mixes as MIXIT doesn't have a process to register waste and sprayed amounts.
- If RTS components (Hardeners, Thinners, etc) are not present in a layer or mix, the sprayed quantity is treated as 0%, thus it will be reported as 0 emissions.
- Category for Color mixes (Basecoats, Single Stage Topcoats, etc.) will appear as “Others”. We will work on this and change it to “Color Coating” or equivalent as the regulations suggest.
Export the VOC Report by clicking on the "Export" button in the layout.
To print, select "File --> Print".