In MIXIT there is a distributor page available. here, the distributor can see an overview of their customers who also use MIXIT. The page is divided into two sections:
- Shop -> shows an overview of customers and provides the option to share the distributor's own colors and favorite ratios.
- Contracts -> option to create price lists for a specific customer or a group of customers.
Requirements to make the distributor page visible:
- The distributor page is only available if the distributor shop is marked as a distributor. If you are a distributor and the distributor page is now shown, please contact your tech rep.
- Customers are shown if they use MIXIT and have a relationship with the distributor. If a customer is missing from the list, please contact your tech rep.
Shop page
With the buttons on the first section of the page, you can enable or disable the sharing of your own color and favorite ratios for all listed customers.
The second section shows an overview of the customers, here you can turn on and of the sharing of own colors and favorite ratios for each customer specifically.
Own colors
When sharing own colors is active, the customer can see all the own colors stored in the distributor shop. If the own colors have a measurement they will also be found when using the bank search.
Favorite rato's
When sharing favorite ratios is active on the distributor page, only the ratios are shared that are allowed to be shared. The allow sharing option is set per favorite ratio on the Settings -> Favorite ratio page.
Contracts page
The contracts page is a place for distributors to create their own price lists and assign 1 or more customers to. It is possible to create 1 price list and assign all customers to it or create multiple price lists and assign one customer to it.
The contacts page shows all contracts available, the start & end, and the state, Active, Inactive, or Expired.
The contacts page allows three actions
- Add contract
- Copy a contract
- Edit a contract
Add Contract
When clicking on the add contract button MIXIT will show a popup to add details for the contract. like the name, start and end date end the state of the contract. The best is to set the state to Inactive as long as it is not ready for publication to the customers.
When the contract details are saved an overview of the contract will be shown, in this case, an empty contract.
The top left section shows the contract details, the top right is the section to assign customers to the contract, and the bottom section gives an overview of the contract itself.
Note: The contract can be created in advance, only when the contract status is set to Active, the customer is able to see it. The status Inactive and Expired prevents the customer from seeing the contract.
The Start and End dates are meant for information purposes only. This date does not trigger the state of the contract.
Adding Price List
The best practice is to start creating the contract (bottom section) and later add the customer(s)
The contract needs to be built first before we can start adding prices. What I mean by this is that we need to start adding the brand, toners, and ancillaries.
The first step is to click on the add price list button.
The popup windows allow you to select the brand, product line, or category.
When selecting the option Based on product line MIXIT will present a dropdown list with all the available product lines that are active on the distributor's shop.
When Selecting Based on category MIXIT will show a dropdown list based on category.
In this manual, I will start with the product line Autowave MM 2.0.
When I click on create, MIXIT will add all Autowave MM 2.0 toners, available for the country, to the contract. MIXIT will also:
- Copy the selling price of the toner to the contract.
- All toners that are selected on the Inventory page will also be selected on the contract. Only the price of the selected toners will be available for the customer.
Note: On the Inventory -> Price Management page the distributor can ad a discount and/or Markup, this will influence the selling price.
The next step is to add the categories, by clicking on the add price list button. Select "Based on categories", the required category, and then click on create.
MIXIT will add the available hardeners to the contract.
When needed repeat the same steps for the other product lines and categories. When all paint lines and categories are added to the price list it is time to assign customers to the price list.
Click on the add assignment button, and MIXIT will show a popup, here you can select the customer's shop and the state, Active or Inactive. And click on Add Assignment.
All assignments will be shown in the top right section
by repeating these steps you can assign more customers to the contract. The state Active or Inactive will determine if the contract is visible to the customer or not.