For a shop owner of a distributor shop, it could be useful to have insights into the behavior of the customers they cater to. This can lead to improvements in their relationship, training, or sales.
For a selected time period, the distributor report shows all products used and the amounts poured over a weighing scale.
Amount distribution per Category charts
The first pie chart shows the distribution of used amount per mixing component category for all shops (the distributor and its customers). This lets the shop owner understand how the different categories are proportionally used.
In the second chart, you can see the actual poured amounts per category.
Directly below these pie charts, you can see the distribution per category over time. This enables a shop owner to detect possible trends in behavior of his or her shop and its customers.
The last two bar charts show the distribution of the different component categories per shop and again the actual mixed amount per shop (for all categories). This chart is sorted by mixed amount, the shop with the highest mixed amount in the selected time period on top. This adds weight to the first bar chart.
To make the report more readable, the table below categorizes paint consumption and the number of mixes and work orders in the following ways -
- Shop level detail- The report starts with paint consumption, a number of mixes, and work orders grouped per shop. The shop with the highest mixes amount again on top. If you would like to expand further and see all the component categories and product lines per shop, click on "Expand Productlines".
- Productline level detail– When you expand the product lines you will see paint consumption and a number of mixes/work orders per component category and thereunder product line used for all shops. When you would like to go back to the shop overview, click on “Collapse Productlines”.
- Totals –In the last row of the table, you will have a total amount of paint usage, number of mixes, and work orders in the selected period for all shops.
Data export
Export the Paint Usage report by clicking on the "Export" button in the layout. Exporting data can be helpful for users who have other data systems such as a Bodyshop management system (BMS).
Printing the report
To print, select "File --> Print".