If you are one of our loyal customers moving from Color Manager to MIXIT, you most likely want to keep using your favorite spray-out panels you created within the past years. Our "import mixes" feature enables ShopOwner to import their mixes from Color Manager to MIXIT.
Here are the steps for importing and converting mixes:
- In ColorManager v 5.4 or higher, select and export the color mixes you want to export to MIXIT. (For a detailed example, see "Recording 1")
- in MIXIT, go to Settings >> Import Mix History and upload the file from step 1. (For a detailed example, see "Recording 2")
- In MIXIT, convert the mix you need in one of the two ways explained below. (For a detailed example, see "Recording 2")
- From the Import Mix History page:
- On the Settings >> Import Mix History page click the button "Color Manager Mixes".
- On the new page search for the mix and click the "convert" icon.
- Or, most used, from the Mix History page:
- on the Mix History page search for the Color Manager mix number, you want to use.
- MIXIT will indicate the number of non-converted Color Manager mixes found.
- Click on the link and on the new page you press the "convert" icon.
- Go back to the Mix History page and type in the old Color Manager mix number.
- You will find the newly converted mix. You can now mix more of it.
- Note: We recommend you print a new label and tape it on the back of the spray-out panel.
- From the Import Mix History page:
Recording 1:
The recording below explains how you can export mixes from Color Manager.
Recording 2:
The recoding below shows you how to import mixes from Color Manager and convert them to MIXIT mixes from the Mix History page.
You can download the excel report summary, which lists all the processed mixes. For each mix you will find one row with the following information:
- MIXIT Internal Id which can be used by our support team in case of problems
- Color Manager mix number states the number of the mix as in Color Manager
- Color Manager work order number states the number of the work order to which this mix belonged in Color Manager. Please note: the actual work orders are not transferred from Color Manager to MIXIT.
- Color Manager Color Code states the color code used in Color Manager
- Status of the import or conversion process: Imported (status code: 200), Converted (status code: 201), Import failed (status code: 6xx), Conversion failed (status code: 5xx), Duplicate (status code: 504), Unknown (status code: 800).
- Details list the status code and other useful information.
- MIXIT Mix Number: when the mix was successfully converted into a MIXIT mix, this field will indicate the MIXIT mix number.
Status codes
You will find one of the following statuses:
Code | Description | Details |
200 | Imported | MIXIT successfully imported the mix. |
201 | Converted | MIXIT successfully converted the mix into a MIXIT mix. You can now find the converted mix on the My History page. |
5xx (500, 501, 502, 503, 505) Exception: 504 - see below. |
Technical errors 500: Could not retrieve mix {request.SequenceNumber} from cloud table. 501: Could not read mix from blob stream. 502: Could not deserialize mix {request.SequenceNumber} from 505: Unable to check for duplicates: {error} |
A technical error occurred while converting the mix. Solutions: - if this issue happens for several mixes that are important for you, please issue a complaint with MIXIT (provide the replication path, the shopId, and the CM mixes with the problem); - or you can create your own color in MIXIT with the same toners; - or you can use the spectrophotometer to find the best color match. |
504 |
Duplicate Found duplicated mix with number {mix.GenericData.Number} |
We could not import the mix because we already found a successfully converted CM mix that has been previously imported. We advise you to use the already converted CM mix. You can find the converted mix by searching for the CM mix id on the Mix history page or the Color Manager mixes page. |
506 |
506: Could not find commercialProduct {commercialProductCode} within the productline: {productLineCode}, please run the UpdateRest.ini to update the mixes and import the xml file again. |
We could not convert the mix because we cannot find a specific commercial product within a specific product line. Solution: - update Color Manager and run the UpdateRest.ini - export again the mix - reimport the mix. Note: the already imported mixes which were not converted yet, will be overwritten. - convert the mix. If the conversion succeeds, then we advise you to export and reimport all the mixes. If the conversion fails, please contact your Technical Representative and provide him the exported file, the mix you are trying to convert and the error message. |
600 |
Data error Could not import mix with number {mix.GenericData.Number} due to an unsupported KindOfVariant of {mix.ColorData.KindOfVariant} |
We could not import the mix because we do not support its type. Note: When you see the error message "Could not import mix with the number [a number] due to an unsupported KindOfVariant of OwnVariant," then you are trying to import a mix of an own-variant or of an own-color. Please use the functionality "import own colors" to import your own variants and own colors from Color Manager. Afterward, you can mix the imported own color or own variant. |
601, 602, 603, 604 |
Data errors 601: Cannot get crossbrand for brand {brandCode} with productlinecode: {productLineCode} 601: Cannot obtain commercialProduct for productId: {productId} from PMMT 602: No marketingItem found for SAPNumber: {sapNumber}. 603: The toner ({tonerCode}) cannot be matched 604: The product with id {productLineGuid} could not be found in CCS |
1 or more toners are not available in your country or cannot be found in our master data. Solutions: - if this issue happens for several mixes that are important for you, please issue a complaint with MIXIT (provide the replication path, the shopId, and the CM mixes with the problem); - or you can create your own color in MIXIT with the same toners; - or you can use the spectrophotometer to find the best color match. |
605 |
Data error No color could be found for akzocode |
MIXIT cannot find the Akzo color for the imported mix in the master data of colors. Solutions: - if this issue happens for several mixes, please issue a complaint with MIXIT (provide the replication path, the shopId, and the CM mixes with the problem); - or you can create your own color in MIXIT with the same toners; - or you can use the spectrophotometer to find the best color match. |
606 |
Data error In countryCode {countryIsoCode} no productline is found for productlineCode: {productLineCode} and productLineName: {productLineName} and brandCode: {brandCode}. |
The Brand and Productline and not available in the country. Solution: contact TechRep to enable the Product line for your country in FERT Manager. |
800 | No imitation is found for the colormanagermix with a paintSystemVersionDate of: [date] for color with id: [colorId] |
We cannot find the formula in our system. Solutions: - when this issue happens several times and the mixes are important to you, please notify your TechRep. He will be able to check in our internal ColorApps application the formula based on the Brand, Paint Line, AkzoCode, and Formula Version date information provided in the error screen. - or you can create your own color in MIXIT with the same toners; - or you can use the spectrophotometer to find the best color match. |
Frequently asked questions
- Q: Why don't I see images (color on display aka COD) for my solid generated mixes that I imported from Color Manager and converted in MIXIT? A: MIXIT needs a measurement in order to generate the COD for the mix. Please note that even without a COD, the formula will be the same as the one in Color Manager.