- What are the different types of reports in MIXIT? I see that some are static without any interaction, while other reports are interactive but with no printing options.
- How often is the data refreshed?
Paginated Reports: Can I export a report in a different format?
- Dashboards: Can I print an interactive report?
- Dashboards: I find a chart interesting, what options do I have to work with it?
Report Types
What are the different types of reports in MIXIT? I see that some are static without any interaction, while other reports are interactive but with no printing options.
There are two types of reports in MIXIT - Paginated Reports and Interactive Dashboards.
Paginated reports are standard reports that are used when following a template and printing options are desired. Below are the paginated reports in MIXIT - (list will be updated when new reports are added)
- Workorder
- Workorder Summary
- Paint Usage
- VOC Report
Interactive dashboards, as the name suggests, are interactive in nature. Based on your selection or clicking, data in the report changes. Interactive reports have options such as drill up, drill-down and filtering based on selection (clicking a data sample). Below is the list of dashboards -
- Paint Excess
- Color Performance
How often is the data refreshed?
For paginated reports, data is refreshed at every 15 minutes. Any mix or workorder created or modified will take approximately 18 minutes to reflect in paginated report. In paginated reports, you can see the last refreshed timestamp in the bottom of the report.
For dashboards, data is refreshed once a day. The last refreshed timestamp is not (yet) available for dashboards.
Paginated Reports
While checking a report, I see the File, Export and View Report options only in English, how can I change them?
The reporting interface is dependent on the browser language.
Reporting Settings - Language and Locale only affects the content in the report. To translate the reporting interface, please change your browser language.
Follow the below link if you are using Google Chrome
Follow the below link if you are using Mozilla Firefox
For Edge Browser, follow the below link -
Can I export a report in a different format?
Any paginated report can be exported in different formats.
Just click on Export and select the option that suits you, the report will be exported in the desired format and will be downloaded.
Can I print an interactive report?
In an interactive report, all the data in the report changes based on your interactions. It is not possible to print the report.
I find a chart interesting, what options do I have to work with it?
Click on the chart and you will see more options on the top of the chart. A chart is any one visual within the report.
Below is an explanation of the symbols.
Upward arrow (⬆) - This can be used to drill up the data. Similarly, downward arrow can be used to drill down the data.
Use the Focus Mode to look at the report in more detail.
Export data options lets you export the data in the given chart. Select the right format for export, either excel (.xlsx) or comma-separated values (.csv) format.